Artis Lawnosta
| | Aerosmith
- Dibentuk tahun 1970 di Boston, Massachussets
- Genre Rock
- Styles Pop-Metal, Album Rock, Arena Rock, Heavy Metal, Pop/Rock, Hard Rock
Diskografi : - Aerosmith (1973)
- Get Your Wings (1974)
- Toys in The Attic (1975)
- Rocks (1976)
- Draw The Line (1977)
- Live Bootleg (1978)
- Night in The Ruts (1979)
- Greatest Hits (1980)
- Rock in A Hard Place (1982)
- Done with Mirrors (1985)
- Permanent Vacation (1987)
- Gems (1988)
- Pump (1989)
- Pandora's Box (1991)
- Get A Grip (1993)
- Big Ones (1994)
- Toxic Graffiti (1995)
- Pandora's Toys (1995)
- Nine Lives (1997)
- Just Push Play (2001)
- Young Lust : The Aerosmith Anthology (2001)
- O Yeah : Ultimate Aerosmith Hits (2002)
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