Artis Lawnosta
| | Bee Gees
- Dibentuk 1958 di Brisbane, Australia
- Genre Rock
- Styles Psychedelic Pop, Baroque Pop, Pop/Rock, Soft Rock, Adult Contemporary, Disco
Diskografi : - Bee Gees 1st (1967)
- Horizontal (1968)
- Idea (1968)
- Odessa (1969)
- Cucumber Castle (1970)
- Sound of Love (1970)
- Marley Purt Drive (1970)
- 2 Years On (1971)
- Trafalgar (1971)
- To Whom It May Concern (1972)
- Life in A Tin Can (1973)
- Mr. Natural (1974)
- Main Course (1975)
- Children of The World (1976)
- Here At Last... Bee Gees (1977)
- Saturday Night Fever (1977)
- Spirits Having Flown (1979)
- S W A L K (1979)
- Living Eyes (1981)
- Staying Alive (1983)
- ESP (1987)
- One (1989)
- Tales of Brother Gibb 1-4 (1990)
- High Civilization (1991)
- Size Isn't Everything (1993)
- Still Waters (1997)
- One Night Only (1999)
- This is Where I Came in (2000)
- The Greatest (2001)
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