Artis Lawnosta
| | Camel
- Dibentuk 1972
- Genre Rock
- Styles Prog-Rock/Art Rock
Diskografi : - Camel (1973)
- Mirage (1974)
- The Snow Goose (1975)
- Moonmadness (1976)
- Rain Dances (1977)
- Breathless (1978)
- A Live Record (1978)
- I Can See Your House from Here (1979)
- Nude (1981)
- The Single Factor (1982)
- Pressure Points : Live in Concert (1984)
- Stationary Traveller (1984)
- Dust and Dreams (1991)
- On The Road 1972 [live] (1992)
- On The Road 1982 [live] (1994)
- On The Road 1981 [live] (1997)
- Never Let Go (1993)
- Harbour of Tears (1997)
- Rajaz (1999)
- Coming of Age [live] (1999)
- Anthology (2001)
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