Artis Lawnosta
| | Emerson, Lake, and Palmer
- Dibentuk 1970 di Bournemouth, Dorset, Inggris
- Genre Rock
- Styles Album Rock, Prog-Rock/Art Rock
Diskografi : - Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (1970)
- Tarkus (1971)
- Pictures at An Exhibition [live] (1972)
- Brain Salad Surgery (1973)
- Welcome Back My Friends to The Show that Never Ends (1974)
- Ladies and Gentlemen (1974)
- Works, volume 1 (1977)
- Works, volume 2 (1977)
- Love Beach (1978)
- Black Moon (1992)
- Live at The Royal Albert Hall (1992)
- Works Live (1993)
- The Return of Manticore (1993)
- The Best of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (1994)
- In The Hot Seat (1994)
- King Biscuit Flower Hour : Greatest Hits Live (1997)
- Then and Now (1998)
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