Artis Lawnosta
| | R.E.M.
- Dibentuk 1980 di Athens, Georgia
- Genre Rock
- Styles American Underground, College Rock, Jangle Pop, United States of America, Alternative Pop/Rock
Diskografi : - Chronic Town EP (1982)
- Murmur (1983)
- Reckoning (1984)
- Fables of The Reconstruction (1985)
- Lifes Rich Pageant (1986)
- Dead Letter Office (1987)
- Document (1987)
- Eponymous (1988)
- Green (1988)
- Out of Time (1991)
- The Best of R.E.M. (1991)
- Automatic for The People (1992)
- Monster (1994)
- New Adventures in Hi-Fi (1996)
- In the Attic: Alternative Recordings... (1997)
- Up (1998)
- Man on The Moon [soundtrack] (1999)
- Reveal (2001)
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