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Koleksi Lirik - A-Ha

I've Been Losing You

written by Pal Waaktar

It wasn't rain that washed away
rinsed colours of your eyes
Putting the gun down on the bedside table
I must have realized

It wasn't the rain
that made no difference
I could've sworn it wasn't me
Yet I did all so scoldly, almost slowly
Plain for all to see

Oh, come on, please now
Talk to me, tell me
Things I could find helpful
Oh how could I stop now ?
Is there nothing that I can do ?
I have lost my way
I've been losing you

I can still hear our screams competing
You're hissing, you're s-s like a snake
Now in the mirror stand, half a man
I thought no one could break

It wasn't the rain
That made no difference
Nervously drumming on, runaway
But I want this gulit to get me
Thoughts to wreck me
Preying on my mind

back to [chorus]

Oh come on, please now
Talk to me, tell me
Tell me what to do
Helpful, but how can I stop now ?
Is there nothing that I can do ?
I have lost my way
I've been losing you
You... I've been losing you
You... I've been losing... you

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