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Koleksi Lirik - Scorpions


written by Rudolf Schenker and Klaus Meine

When the daylight is falling down into the night
And the sharks try to cut a big piece out of life
It feels all right to go out to catch an out rageous thrill
But it's more like spinning wheels of fortune
Which never stand still

Big city, big city nights
You keep me burning
Big city, big city nights

When the sunlight is rising up in my eyes
And the long night has left me back at somebody's side
It feels all right for a long sweet minute like hours before
But it's more like looking out for something
I can't find anymore

Big city, big city nights
You keep me burning
Big city, big city nights
Always yearning

There is no dream
That you can't make true if you're looking for love
But there's no girl
Who's burning the ice away from my heart
Maybe tonight


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