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Koleksi Lirik - Scorpions


written by Rudolf Schenker and Klaus Meine

You stand in front of the band
With all those scarves in your hands
I see you play imaginary guitars
You people shaking your heads
Right till the end of the set
You really turn me on wherewer we are
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Put your hands in the air
So I can see you are there
I wanna you see all your lights shining on
Want you stand up and dance
Gonna leave you no chance
I take a breath between each single song
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Stand up and shout
We're ready to rock, we're ready to roll
Stand up and shout
Are you ready, are you ready
Come on and get it
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you
Can't live, can't live without you

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