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Koleksi Lirik - Scorpions


written by Rudolf Schenker, Klaus Meine, Adamis, and Presser

A blaze without a name
under planet sky
there's no making honey here
in the land of good
someone hold the sing it says
we are human too
and while the sun goes down
the world goes by

White dove
fly with the wind
take a hope
under your wings
oh, they want to know
the hope when I die
when the children cry

Waves big like a house
that's tumbling on a piece of book
to leave it all behind
to start again
they stare ofter your life
I'll be fine as a dove
itch close and they keep
looking for a blaze called hope
(Repeat CHORUS)

Na na na na na na...

And anyone
can tell me why
the children of the world
can't be the prize
and now you're telling me
you've seen it all before
I know there's right
but still
it breaks my heart, well

The golden lame
we sent make sense feel
better now but you know
is just a drop in a sea of tears
(Repeat CHORUS)
(Repeat CHORUS)
Na na na na na na...

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