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Koleksi Lirik - Vanessa Williams

The Sweetest Days

You and I in this moment
Holding the night so close
Hanging on, still unbroken
While outside the thunder rolls

Listen now, you can hear our heartbeat
Warm against life's bitter cold
These are the days
The sweetest days we'll know

There are times
That scare me
We rattle the house like the wind
Both of us so unbending
We battle the fear within

All the while, life is rushing by us
Hold it now and don't let go
These are the days
The sweetest day we'll know

So we'll whisper a dream here in the darkness
Watching the stars till they've gone
And when even the memories have all faded away
These days go on and on

Listen now, you can here our heartbeat
Hold me now and don't let go
These are the days
Everyday is the sweetest day we'll know
These are the days
The sweetest days we'll know

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