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Koleksi Lirik - Whitney Houston

So Emotional

written by Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly

I've been hearing your heartbeat inside of me
I keepp your photo right beside my bed
Livin' in a world of fanticies
I can't get you out of my head

I've been waiting for the phone to ring all night
Why you wanna make me feel so good
I got a love of my own
Shouldn't get so hung up on you

I remember the way that we touched I wish I didn't like it so much 
I get so emotional, baby 
Every time I think of you 
I get so emotional, baby 

Ain't it shocking what love can do 
Ain't it shocking what love can do 

I gotta watch you walk in the room, baby
I gotta watch you walk out
I like the animal way you move
And when you talk I just watch your mouth


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